Sunday, May 29, 2011

health and safety part 1

Health and Safety
Part 1:
Health and safety is a government act set out to protect people of harm while working or doing activities. This is done by identifying and illuminating the hazards around you, this means removing all the things that could be in your way and cause a hazard to you  anyone while working. Before you enter the worksite you must be wearing overalls and steel cap boots. You must know your tools and how to use them. When entering your workplace you must look for fire exits, fire extinguishers, first aid kit and hazards register.

Safety Equiptment

Overalls are a workshop requirement and should be cotton so there is less risk if chemicals spill on them or they catch fire and to prevent cuts and burns. They should not hang loose because they may get caught on a machine or power tool..

Boots (steel caped)

Steel caped boots are also a workshop requirement to make sure your feet is not harmed by falling objects in any way.

Safety gloves

Gloves are used often in the workplace they can make your job easier when welding and protects your hands from cuts, chemicals, and hot surfaces.

Safety goggles

Safety goggles are an important item in the workplace and should be worn with most tools. They stop any metal filings, chemicals and debri from your eyes and should be used when using the lathe, drill press, grinder and when using hand tools e.g hammer.

Welding mask or Welding goggles

Welding goggles should only be used when gas welding. The mask should be used on all other welding applications. They protect your eyes from flashes which are very harmful to your eyes you need different shades for different types of welding


Earmuffs your choice in the workplace they are not used often but are handy when using certain tools. e.g. grinders, drills

Hand tools


-You should start by using the same stance as filing.
-You should hold it straight and steady with two hands firmly.


-You should be wearing your safety glasses when hitting metal surfaces incase of metal pieces hitting your eyes
-Always have enough room to swing the hammer and if you cant hit it then  find another way.
-Check your hammer for cracks in the handle and on metal face if there is then throw away the hammer.
-Body parts should be out of way and it must be held tight near the end half of it

All of these tools should be used only for there functions or it could cause damage to tools and you or someone near you.. The correct safety gear must be worn and tools must used in proper order and in the correct stance for the job. Most of it is common sense but you must involve health and safety into your job and be aware of your surroundings..

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are very important when working in the workplace to keep everyone safe from getting burn in anyway. Every workshop must at least be fitted with one. There are four types of extinguishers that are used for different types of fires. That’s why it is important you know what colour coded extinguisher to use for each fire you are going to put out, if you don’t know what each extinguisher does you could make the fire worse or you could cause harm to yourself or the people around you. Example if there was an electrical fire in the workshop and you picked up the water type extinguisher you could be electrocuted or someone near you might be. So look at this chart and learn what type of extinguisher you would use for each type of fire.

Every workshop should have a first aid kit and everyone should no where it is incase it is needed.

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